We decided that these would be shots we would use towards the start of the trailer as they aren't that 'dramatic' and the 'dramatic' scenes often come towards the end of the trailer. The first shot shows 'Snow white' with her 'fairytale' like horse and the second shows 'Snow White' holding the stereotypical 'apple', which directly compliments our 'theme/genre' and conforms to the stereotypical conventions of 'fantasy' or 'fairy tale'. Possible dialogue for these shots could be...
1st shot- 'Who are you'
'A horse?! In my tower'
'What?! How did you get in here'
2nd shot- Rather than dialogue, in this shot, we would use a paralinguistical feature like a 'gasp'. In the script, this would be put in stars and in italics like this...*GASP*. This feature could also be classed as gramatical onomatopoeia.

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