Tuesday 2 July 2013

Exploring genre

Our next task was to begin to analyse genre. To do this I have created a series of mood boards which identify various themes and genres including, fantasy, romance, horror and animals. Whilst looking for images to place on my mood boards i was able to identify the various stereotypes and representations of the beings represented in my chosen fields. Such as in horror, everything is dark and scary. The people are presented to us as being intimidating and as if they have power and authority. They have an 'evil' eye and the angle that they have been photographed tends to be at a high angle, this effectively intimidates the audience and therefore makes them appear more threatening and comply with the theme of horror. Scifi is a genre incredibly popular with teens and computer geeks. They use a lot of bright colours and unrealistic objects. Although after analysing this genre we identified it as ineffective for our trailer as we do not have the resources available to us to create an effective scifi trailer. As we would need a high level of special effects and we do not currently have the software available to us. The fantasy theme again is similar to scifi, meaning that they use various special effects as most of the characters throughout the films are animated as they are 'fantasy' creatures. The bright colours and use of special effects means that it again would be difficult for us to create a trailer with a theme of fantasy. The last genre i analysed was 'animals'. Now animals is more of a theme then a genre, but after researching some stats, i identified that animals are a very common theme for films and that over 98% of films star at least one animal throughout, whether it be as small as a bird or as big as a horse. And a further 39% of films an animal is the centre point of the film, that's nearly half!! So we have identified 'animals' as a popular genre amongst the public.

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